Please tell me you have been watching Bethenny Getting Married? on Bravo, thursday nights? It is to DIE for. I am addicted, literally have seen every episode at least three times and still watch them over and over again. Even Justin loves it, I know he does.
Bethenny is one of the Real Housewives of NYC, she is 39, pregnant and planning a wedding with her amazing fiance Jason. She is so incredibly witty and her hormones are outrageous. She speaks every ounce of what's on her mind and she is HILARIOUS. I die laughing every single episode.
I don't know why but I find my self relating to her in some sense. And when I don't relate to her, I want to be just like her. I guess I figure if I watch the show enough, I'll pick up on some of the witty banter. The season is coming to an end, and I am so sad, but I am borderline about to buy her books and drink her Skinny Girl cocktails!