I know it's been awhile so I need to back up and start with Steve.
On October 5th (my mom's birthday) Mom and I were having a glass of wine to celebrate as we flipped through the iPhoto book I made her about our trip to Mexico. The bartender pointed out the Apple product and told us the bad news. We both started crying.
This man has been so influential in our lives. My mom always told me that she was on her first Mac in 1989, the year I was born. I remember being in middle school working on Quark on her Mac making colleges for my school binder, my first ipod, which seems giant compared to what we have now, and always feeling incompetent on a PC.
Apple has played such a huge role, I have always been an apple girl. Writing this to you on my MacBook pro. I just ordered my new iPhone 4s yesterday and I will support the product forever.
Steve Jobs was one of the greats and has changed our world forever. He will be truly missed.