(i am going to pre apologize for my spelling, Im alone and cant spell a thing, especially in Italian... and im using an Italian key board so wish me luck on punctuation) Today we went to the Borghese gallery. The gardens leading up to it felt like a picture perfect scene from one of those Italian love stories I could lust over for years. Our cute little Italian tour guide did a great job leading us through the museum, but good Lord that tiny woman can talk, and she knows her stuff. Every room of this gallery was filled with amazing paintings and sculptures, and every inch of every wall was covered in something. Literally white space and Rome do not mix well. I walked it to the room and my eye had no where to land... some room that is.
We started with Bernini, Moms favorite (thought of you again mama). We saw many of his sculptures including the one about the rape (I know all you art majors want to kill me but i cant remeber the name of this one EVER), David, and Apollo and Daphne. Speechless. The texts books and the pages of notes were right, this guy can sculpt. Looking at marble was not a thought that was crossing my mind. I figured I was starring at clean, white flesh. Unbelievable. The forms of the skin and every correct detail of the human body was... there are no words. I know now why my mom cried looking at these sculptures. We followed with a little more depressing things, Carravagios paintings, but still amazing to see!
Mid afternoon we went to an Italian restaurant and sat out on the cobble stones under big white umbrellas watching vespas fly by, boys play futbol and chic Italian women walk by with hands full of designer shopping bags. I enjoyed a basil mozzerella pizza and a glass of pinot grigio. After the meal I was stuffed, but who can pass up the gelato in the window next door? I had a cone of Nutella and Hazelnut gelato. Oh. my. Gosh. OMG. Mouth is watering just thinking about it. I wish I could bring that home as a present for everyone.
Later in the day we went to see the Colossem. After dealing with some very forward men dressed as spartas and taking the most photograhs we walked around inside. Amazing. This is true Rome to me. I couldnt believe what was built way back then. And the stories of what took place inside this incredible building is unbelievable. We then headed to the Roman Forum and Im going to be honest with you I had been up since 645 and walking all day, it looked like a pile of rocks. I know that is not what I am supposed to say, but its true. I took the photos that needed to be taken and sat my tired body on one of those rocks.
Then my favorite part of the day, the Trevi Fountain. I threw in a 50 cent Euro and made that wish!! We headed back to the spanish steps to do a little shopping no one could afford. Walking into Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Lacoste, Armani, Prada, Dior, Dolce and Gabanna, like I said CANT AFFORD, I wish. My roommates, Kara and Katie and I headed back towards the hotel and sat outside a pub, had a great dinner, a few drinks and the best (and much needed) girl talk.
top night!!
day three down and loving it
ciao xoxo
Kels - I looked it up. It is the Rape of Proserpina. I wouldn't have remembered it either. It is incredible! Now that you mention the BORGESE gallery, I do remember. I will email you a couple pics maybe you can upload to this post.