Up early on our last day to catch as many rays of sun as possible. Mom did her spinning class as I laid by the pool of course. A couple of champagne and pineapples later, Eduardo convinced me once again to join them in one last water aerobics at the pool. At 1130 I headed to the main pool to catch up with some of the friends I made and wait for aerobics to start. Had a great work out from 12 to one, then grabbed lunch with mom! After trying some sort of liquid that was NOT chocolate I had to grad another drink and go back to the pool.
I cut up in the pool for a little while longer then headed to the spa for a massage and a manicure that lasted less than 24 hours, but was adorable at the time! At five we headed to the spider monkey tour and saw sow amazing monkeys swinging from the tress. Back to the room to get ready for our last dinner together. As we try to order chardonnay to the room we were informed the resort was currently out of sock… Pretty sure we drank them out of chard. We went back tot he Asian restaurant for one of the funniest dinners yet. The servers carried around huge trays with white linens hanging off of them. Obliviously out server was walking to the table behind us with a try in hand. As he walked by the white linen hanging down swiped over Lisa's head, then Lauren's, at this point we were all giggling because he ad no idea, By the time he got to me the tray just levitated over top my head for about 5 solid minutes with the table cloth in my face. We were CRACKING up to tears. It was just hilarious, don't mind us just sitting here dining. Good thing we had a sense of humor, but once our server realized what was going on, we rarely saw him and he didn't pick up a tray for the rest of the night.
After a couple of mayan coffees we were off to bed. Traveling the entire next day. Getting to the airport to sit in Bubba Gumps and order margaritas and coronas to end the trip just right.
I had such an amazing time and although I was eager to get home, I am ready to go back and miss spending everyday with mom in the sun :(
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